About b2bTRIBE

Entrepreneurial and small to mid-sized businesses are growing, and their b2b connections are their lifeblood. That’s why it’s important to share your message and brand with them.

b2bTRIBE, a b2b magazine, was born from a creative spot in my head and is fueled by the need for a platform to share the real lives of entrepreneurs and small business owners. This venture will unify and expand our network of Charlotte-area business owners, so we know each other as people first but also know what our businesses can offer each other’s.

I do believe this publication is needed, and many business owners have enthusiastically agreed. So here it is!

Our aim is authenticity, vulnerability, courage, and knowledge shared through story and photography while answering a few (fun and quirky) questions. What an audience should KNOW, FEEL, and DO are three elements marketing professionals frequently use to help them craft effective communications. So we structured the magazine around those concepts to serve as a reminder and guiding force. What fuels the entrepreneur and small business owner day to day and year after year? What do we KNOW? How do we FEEL? What can we DO better? Who’s in our TRIBE, and what are their stories?

We’re also including the Special Q, which is just fun. Small business owners participate by answering the questions included in our call for content (an online form sent to each of our subscribers). The most entertaining answers are featured. What better way to get to know your tribe of busy, small business owners.

As I sat down to describe this business-to-business tribe concept, the manifesto just poured out of me. Can you relate?

Many thanks,


Fabi Preslar

Publisher, b2bTRIBE magazine

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