Donald Grothoff was a successful web designer for most of his career until life turned upside down. In 2010, his then seven-year-old daughter began to act withdrawn and violent. Doctors diagnosed her with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Two years later, Donald suffered a heart attack. It was a period of almost unbearable stress for him and his family. Yet in many ways the experience was also a blessing because it inspired him to create Focused Healthy Kids. The company, through coaching sessions and video training programs, helps families with kids who have been diagnosed with OCD and similar “labels.”
When his daughter was stricken with the disorder, it was all he could do to support his family, get through the day, and catch a few hours of sleep at night. “Life closed up,” he said. “You start to lose hope.”
Then everything changed when he discovered the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Still considered a largely fringe procedure just as acupuncture was twenty years ago, the EFT practitioner teaches clients the art of self-tapping along about fifteen acupressure points on the body, while voicing positive affirmations. Donald says the technique restores the body’s natural flow of energy and relieves stress.
EFT relieved many of his daughter’s OCD symptoms—she’s now fourteen and doing well. After completing EFT training four years ago, Donald launched Focused Healthy Kids. His personal background makes him uniquely qualified to help other families. “It was like a training ground for me. I come from a place of understanding and can provide hope and light for others.”
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