Ruth Kent was an intensive care nurse suffering from several autoimmune and respiratory imbalances put under a general diagnosis of arthritis and asthma. The pain led to insomnia, which led to caffeine over-consumption, which led to a vicious cycle of ailments. Medicines helped treat a symptom here and a symptom there, but nothing gave her real relief. Her career and family life suffered as medical bills piled up. A bankruptcy ensued, and divorce seemed imminent.
In one of her many visits with specialists, a neurologist said nerve paths in her left leg were fried and that she’d be wheelchair‑bound within five years. Then he started pulling together disability papers for her. It didn’t sit well with Ruth. She went home and prayed for three days straight. When she emerged, she felt as though an answer had been promised.
Through friends of friends, she came in contact with the Emotion Code and Body Code. Three months later, she could lie comfortably in bed, and her mind didn’t feel so clouded by pain and insomnia. It only got better from there. The system is based on the notion that emotion is a form of energy that can get trapped in the body.
“Trapping emotion is the subconscious mind’s way of protecting itself,” said Ruth, “of reminding you of painful experiences so that you don’t repeat them. But it can also lead to apathy, depression, heart problems, breathing problems, a weakened immune system, and a host of other problems.”
Ruth is now a solopreneur providing intensive care of a different sort. She’s an Emotion Code and Body Code practitioner and instructor who helps people identify and then release any trapped emotions that may be affecting their health and wellness. She’s also still married to her best friend and is debt free.
Melisa Graham is the communications director at SPARK Publications, editor of b2bTRIBE magazine, author of Used Cow for Sale (a collection of poetry, mom, and wife.
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